Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer News

Utpal is here on vacation from boarding school. He is as hyperactive as ever and keeps everyone busy.

We are having our usual summer problems. Yesterday, there was a power cut that lasted for five hours! The classes on the roof are extremely hot. Many of the students have gone to their villages. However, we still have classes and do the best we can.

We had a special visit from Mr. Bakshi this Wednesday. He spent forty-five minutes here and advised us to buy the building! It was his first visit here so everyone was very excited to see him.

We also are planning to rebuild the shelter for the secondary section classroom on the roof, as it was almost destroyed during recent storms.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Summer is Starting

Things have been busy here for the last few weeks, but now that summer is starting, many of our students have gone away to their villages. They will be back in the Fall and many have requested that we reserve a spot for them in our classes!

The end of last month was very busy with Jhunnu, as we had hoped she would come and stay with us and we had prepared everything for her, but her husband decided against it, and her daughter also discouraged her.

Next week, we are expecting Utpal who will be on Summer Vacation from boarding school from May 16- July 2nd.